Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
April 2024

Body image therapy: A combined creative arts therapy and verbal psychotherapy approach

Author(s): Eicher, Virginia W.

Journal/Book: Arts in Psychotherapy. 1988; 15: 177-188.

Abstract: Discusses a treatment model for anorexia nervosa, developed in response to the preeminence of body image disturbance as a cardinal feature of the disorder and the reported intractability of this symptom. The model includes concurrent verbal psychotherapies (individual, family) and creative arts therapies (movement, art, drama) in addressing body image issues in anorexic individuals. The treatment focuses on developing trusting relationships, developing a more positive sense of self, and an increased capacity for self-expression. The experience of the present authors reveals that more substantive gains in therapy can be made when body image issues are directly addressed in a range of modalities.

Note: creative arts therapy & verbal psychotherapy; body image disturbance; anorexic patients

Keyword(s): Art therapy; psychotherapeutic techniques; body image disturbances; anorexia nervosa

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