Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
April 2024

A Conceptual Model of Improvisation for use in Music Therapy

Author(s): McKenzie, M.

Journal/Book: Australian Music Therapy Association Conference Proceedings. 1988; Australia. Australian Music Therapy Association 2/31 Abercrombie street 3103 Deepdene Australia. Collected Works.

Abstract: This program presents a conceptual model of group processes in musical improvisation for use in music therapy. The model was developed from an experiential basis and is currently pre-empirical. It is intended as a guide to the dynamics involved in group musical improvisation and to promote discussion and debate on the potency of musical improvisation within the challenging context of therapeutic interaction. The four phases of improvisation include: 1) The pre-improvisation phase 2) Creative Process Phase 3) Reactive Phase 4) Post-improvisational phase

Keyword(s): Improvisation, group, group-dynamics, group-psychotherapy, group-therapy.

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