Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
April 2024

A multidisciplinary psychiatric assessment: The introductory group. Special Issue: Assessment in the creative arts therapies

Author(s): Turner, Yolanda D., Bovee, Terry L.

Journal/Book: Arts in Psychotherapy. 1988; 15: 79-82.

Abstract: Describes a group assessment format conducted by therapists in movement, art, and occupational therapy. The introductory assessment involves the 3 therapists leading initial assessment tasks in their respective areas for all new admissions from the previous week. Clients fill in an interest and skills form, and therapists use a form to evaluate personal, interpersonal, and task behavior. Personal behaviors observed include grooming, affect, reality orientation, and self-esteem. Task behaviors include following directions, energy levels, concentration, planning, motivation, frustration, and attention to detail.

Note: movement & art & occupational therapy multidisciplinary assessment; clients

Keyword(s): Occupational therapy; psychodiagnosis ; art therapy; dance therapy; interdisciplinary treatment approach; adulthood

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